mmmc: My Story

Well, compared to so many of you who battled years of IF and repeated losses, I've been very lucky.

I got my period at 14, and had it a few times after that in high school. But it stopped coming altogether by the time I was a senior in high school. I was quite thin and athletic (5'8" and 120 lbs.), so I figured that was why. My freshman year in college, I still didn't have it, and my doctor said it was not healthy and so put me on the pill to give me cycles.

Fast forward 12 years, the entire time of which I was on the pill. I had met DH in May 1995, moved in with him in June 1996, and married him in August 1998. We decided to go off the pill for the millenium, so I took my last pill December 31, 1999. I had been reading TTCOYF because I'm kind of a control freak and wasn't about to just let nature take its course! Also, because I had had really funny cycles before the pill, I was worried I would have them again. In fact, the doc who put me on the pill told me I might have trouble getting pg. So I charted immediately and I was so excited the first time I o'd, but we practiced barrier methods for the first three months as advised by my ob/gyn. Turns out that was bad advice, because each cycle I o'd later and later. 35 days, then 42 days, then 75 days, then I stopped o'ing altogether.

Did provera, then 50 mg clomid. Nothing. 100 and 150 mg clomid did nothing either. Ob/gyn said it was time to see RE.

I never got a clear dx from ob or RE. I have PCOS-like anovulation, but not a clear PCOS diagnosis. My ovaries are polycystic, and I have slightly elevated LH, but my androgens are fine, I'm still quite thin and don't have the other typical PCOS symptoms.

Our first cycle of low-dose injectibles caused me to create one healthy follie, and two IUI's did the trick. On June 5, 2001, I found out I was pregnant with Ellie.

We were incredibly lucky that I knew enough to watch my cycles, that we had a doc who was willing to try clomid even though we hadn't been trying a year, and that our first cycle of injectibles was a success. I have been humbled by the amazing lengths so many of you have gone through to achieve pregnancies. And, of course, my own sister, who endured six unsuccessful IVF's with 22 healthy embies, only to now be expecting twins via a surrogate.

I know I'm very blessed to have Ellie in my life. She was born six months ago today at 7 lbs even, 18-1/2 inches long, and today she weighs 18 lbs. 5 oz. and measures 26-1/2 inches long. She's healthy and happy and I love her to pieces. Though I wish she'd let me sleep through the night . . . but that's another story ;)


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