cblue: My groundhog day baby and how she got here!

My DH and I started TTC in, oh gosh, I can barely remember this, 7/98. After months of denial by both, more denial by him, and fights at the wrong time of the month, I finally asked my ob/gyn. She did an HSG and referred me to her RE! (She ended up adopting 2 after going through treatments with him and giving herself a scan during one of her deliveries since she was in the middle of an injectibles cycle. That's when she called it quits).

So, started with RE in January of 2000 and we were diagnosed with male factor (not count, motility problems) and (the kicker) "advanced maternal age*. (I was almost 38 then). We did 4 clomid/iui cycles, 2 injectibles/iui cycles, and then IVF. First IVF did not work. Second one done in May of 2001 was successful and we saw twins at the first scan. Well, at first ob appt, one of the twins had quit growing and I had a subchorionic hemorrhage so I was restricted to working 20 hours a week for most of the pregnancy (also had bleeding).

But the rest of the pregnancy was smooth sailing and my lovely dd was born on 02/02/02 (which I think is the coolest birthday!). She was 6lbs, 6oz at birth and is now, at 6months, about 13 lbs.

We get a million comments about how little she is and yes, she is but she is healthy and strong and the happiest baby ever. She is the joy of our lives.

I'm sorry this got so long. I promise that most of my posts will not be this long! :)

Thanks again for letting me join in so late. I love the support here. I work part-time and am with my dd the rest of the time and it sometimes gets kind of isolating.


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