SKC428: My Story - DD born 2/1/2002

hi - my name is sue and I've been posting on INCIID for over 4 years now - on miscarriage boards, trying again boards, pregnancy and parenting boards...I mostly read, and occasionally post - it's tough to post at work b/c I work mostly with men and i'm in a cube so I'm afraid of getting caught!!! anyway after almost 2 years of trying on our own - having one miscarriage and basically getting AF every 50 days or so, I got fed up and was referred to an amazing RE who knew right away what was wrong with me...I have been diagnosed with mild pcos...i have many follies that never mature and my fsh/lh levels are WAY off on my own...i do not however posess any of the common external signs of pcos. I have a ds who is 2 ½ - result of injectibles and timed intercourse - I then had another miscarriage in dec. 2000 but then got pregnant with dd who is a result of injectibles and iui in may of 2001. Both babies were c-section babies due to breach position in ds and repeat with dd. they are truly the lights of my life and I can't even remember life before them! I feel so blessed every day for my miracle babies - I just love them so much. DH is also an amazing part of my story b/c he is and has been so supportive during everything - he is also the BEST dad ever - my kids are so lucky to have him!! that's about it. My ds is a funny little guy who is a huge flirt and OBSESSED with trucks and trains and we call my dd 'nosey' b/c she has to be in on everything that's going on all around her - she's too funny and I think will be a big handful once she is mobile! thanks for reading - this is a great and very supportive board and I'm glad to be here!

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