KarinaO: It's no where near my day, but here's my story now...

Molly was born 1-22-02, so I'm either 2 weeks late or 2wks early with this story. I've really enjoyed everyone's stories so much I thought I'd share mine. I haven't posted responses to most stories, b/c seems like I never read them the day they are posted. Seems like I'm always a few days behind :)

Anyways, here goes... dh & I were college sweethearts. We dated for 6yrs before we got married in June 1996. I had been on the pill for forever & went off it Dec '97. After coming off it I didn't get af. My OB asked my how my periods were before going on it. I had been on it for so long I didn't remember. He then put me on provera & I got af. Then same thing, no af again, so another course of provera. But this time, no af after the provera. I took a HPT and it was negative, so my OB had me do another course of provera, but again no af. One night, after being out drinking, heavily I might add, I came home & took a HPT just for the hell of it. It was positive! I was pretty drunk & threw it in the trash. The next morning I woke up, remembered what I did & dug it out of the trash. I ran out & got another one and again positive!!! I was worried that whole pg'ncy that something would be wrong with the baby.

Tyler was born 1-21-99. He was born with a hypospadias (a defect in the urethra opening in the penis). To this day I still blame myself, although the dr's assure me it's nothing I did. He's 3 1/2 now & next to Molly, the love of my life!

I knew I wanted another baby, but I went back on the pill at my 6wk post-partum check up after having him. I went off it again when he was around 10mos. I figured that my periods would be screwy again, but had no idea what was in store for me.

I did the provera thing again and again and again. No pg'ncy this time. My OB suggested clomid, which I did about 4 times with no monitoring. At that point, I came here & learned everything I possibly could about temping, cm, etc. But, time just kept going, Tyler had already turned 2, everyone around me was either pg again or had already had another baby. I was about ready to ask to be put on an anti-depressant. Instead, I went to an RE.

Best move I made! My RE is and will always be considered god-like to me. He got me in, on injectables & doing an IUI before I had time to freak out that it had come to this. After that first cycle, my HPT was positive! I went for a beta & it was really low, most likely a chemical pg'ncy. I cried so hard the skin around my eyes actually started sloughing off.

Everyone at the RE office was still so positive that I jumped right back in & did it again. I refused to take a HPT & they did a beta. I almost fell off the couch when the nurse said it really was positive this time. After 2 more betas, I joined everyone here.

My pg'ncy with Molly was great. I really love being pg. Her due date was 2-6-02. Everyone joked to me that wouldn't it be funny if she was born on Tyler's b-day. Imagine my surprise on Jan. 21st, Tyler's b-day, waking up in labor!!! She ended up missing his b-day though by less than 3 hours and was born Jan. 22nd, 15 days early. And like I said, these kids are the light of my life. I just look at them every day and thank God for bringing them into my life.


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