Bleeparry: My story... (mc mentioned, long)

I am not a frequent poster, however I read at least every other day and have from the very beginning of due in Feb (2002)! I will always cherish my journey with you wonderful and courageous women, you are all my inspiration! Onto my story ...

My dh and I married on July 17, 1993. We were 22 (me) and 27 (dh). From the very beginning I had trouble with bcps, they made me an over weight, grouchy, acne ridden woman! So we thought, hey no big deal we want children, why not now? Of course we thought that it was going to be easy, as it appeared to be for every one else. It dawned on me after about 2 years of no bc that there could be a problem, but of course I did not want to admit it. We finally talked about if after about 3 years. We decided to give ourselves 6 more months of TTC. The 6 months passed with no pregnancy.

At this point I went to my OB, who was a family friend and on the verge of retirement. He listened and confirmed that it was time to start investigating. He was very supportive! I was working at an outpatient surgery center at the time, as an accoutant, therefore had a lot of exposure to doctors and nurses. It turned out that the director of nursing had a dh that was an OB at the HMO (Kaiser) that I had recently joined. I went to him and he went full force into the work up. We went the "normal" course, if you can consider the work up normal! Semen test for dh (all fine, I just knew it would be me), blood work for me, HSG (tubes fine) and finally a lap (mild to med endo). During that time when we were given the okay to TTC we charted and took temps. Two months after my lap I was preg! This was April of 1998. We were estatic. And naive enough to tell the world. I think back now and wonder what in the world we were thinking.

OB was wonderful, he had definately become a friend over the years and we were treated with kid gloves. One night during my 7th week I woke up spotting. I was devestated because I KNEW it was too good to be true. Sure enough I had a mc. We were devestated, as you all know it is much harder to untell someone then to tell them. I kept asking why and OB said it is common, blah blah, blah, blah! I did not want to hear that, we had tried for too long.

By Aug. we were pg again. OB said a little too close for his liking, but oh well! We obviously did not tell anyone but our parents this time. However to our horror I mc'd again at 9 weeks. After both of my mc I had D&C. I could not handle having nature take it course, I just could not do it. Of course no one could explain why I could not sustain a pg. At this point my cherished OB went into private practice and so I changed insurance and followed!

About 2 days after my 2nd mc I was on this site (INCIID) and discovered all the information on immune issues and pregnancy. I had obviously given my dr my health history but had forgotten about the fact that I was ANA +, I never thought to tell him because I honestly forgot myself, until I started reading about it. I scheduled an appt and told him! He was excited because he felt like now there was maybe an a reason and we could at least have a starting point with some history. I got pg again in Nov 1998 and he started me on baby aspirin and progesterone. I had quite an uneventful pg, but was handled like a high risk and again with kid gloves, because my OB knew that my mind was a much greater risk than my body! What a wonderful man, I will always cherish him. My DD was born on 8/4/99.

Fastforward to the summer of 2000. Dh and I decide that we want another so we start TTC. After 3 months no pg, so we goto OB. I think mainly to calm our fears he does some blood tests on me and low and behold I am no longer ovulating! Oh great this was never my problem before! Why can't this be easy? We charted and temp for a few months and then started Clomid. It took a few cycles and some injectibles plus Clomid and I was pg again by May!

My pg with DS was not so uneventful... I had surgery at 17 weeks for a VERY bad gallbladder, my father in law passed away very unexpectedly, Sept 11, sold our first house, bought a new house and a very stressful job lead me to modified bed rest at 31 weeks! On Valentines Day, Feb 14, 2002 Darren James Parry was born! He was induced on his due date, mainly because I think after all the years my OB wanted to be done with me for a while!!!! (HAHAHA)!

And here we are 6 months to the day later. Sometimes I think that I am dreaming! I have the most incredible family, dh, dd and ds are so awesome and then reality hits - maybe a crying meltdown or a sick kid and I realize no I am not dreaming, I am just getting EVERYTHING I wished for. I reflect on my journey often and thank god that it was what it was, as it is not that bad compared to many of you courageous ladies. However I wonder why ... I guess I will never know, because I can not imagine that I love my kids anymore than anyone else loves theirs, but sometimes I wonder why this journey and why me?

Thank you so much for reading! I have enjoyed each and everyone of the stories. I could not be where I am in life without you all, thanks!

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